Python Forum

Full Version: Theme and Editor tips
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Choose Themes there is Light and Dark, New Theme for all users.
Down in right corner there is Quick Select.
[Image: quick_select.png]

Themes look.
[Image: light.png] [Image: dark.png]

Quick Reply this is an Rin Editor function.
Mark one line or more a Black button turn up,to only reply to this line/lines.
[Image: quick_reply.png]

New icons Right click in Editor.
Right click ➡ Emoji
👀 🔨 ✨ 💋 🚑 🌞 🌊
🎈 🎃 🎹 🎲 🧒 😱 🦎

Code tags,paste any code/output/error then use code icons [Image: code_icons1.png]
Python tag:
class Foo:
    def __init__(self, frob, frotz):
        self.frobnicate = frob
        self.frotz = frotz
class Bar(Foo):
    def __init__(self, frob, frizzle):
        super().__init__(frob, frizzle)
        self.frotz = 34
        self.frazzle = frizzle
bar = Bar(1,2)
print(f"frobnicate: {bar.frobnicate}")
print(f"frotz: {bar.frotz}")
Output tag:
frobnicate: 1 frotz: 34
Error tag:
>>> a Traceback (most recent call last): File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'a' is not defined
Inline tag:
Test inline

Quote tag:
Quote:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Image how look in Dark theme.
[Image: dark_codetag.png]

If have different look than shown here,update/clear CSS in your browser Ctrl + F5.