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Full Version: How to rename a CSV file by adding MODIFIED in the filename?
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Quote:perhaps I can get to documenting the entire code.
I wrote it in 10 minutes, and haden't planned on documenting, I have my regular work to do, as well as answering so many questions (as a volunteer) on the forum.
Always glad to answer specific questions.

I do not want to disturb you in a negative way. Perhaps someone else on this forum can provide me feedback on this thread?
Quote:What does this part of the code below? Could you provide some explanation behind the lines of code as comments?

for example, filename = Path('/media/stubens/DataDrive-3XT/projs/T-Z/T/TryStuff/data/csv/IllinoisData.csv')
def read_csv_file(filename):

    parts = list(
    # parts = ['/', 'media', '/', 'stubens', '/', 'DataDrive-3XT','/', 'projs', '/', 'T-Z', '/', 'T', '/', 'TryStuff', '/', 'data', '/', 'csv', '/', 'IllinoisData.csv']

    parts[-1] = f"{filename.stem}Modified{filename.suffix}"
    # parts[-1] = 'IllinoisDataModified.csv'
    # parts = ['/', 'media', '/', 'stubens', '/', 'DataDrive-3XT','/', 'projs', '/', 'T-Z', '/', 'T', '/', 'TryStuff', '/', 'data', '/', 'csv', '/', 'IllinoisDataModified.csv']

    parts[0] = ''
    # removes '/' from index 0 because join will add it back again
    # parts = ['media', '/', 'stubens', '/', 'DataDrive-3XT','/', 'projs', '/', 'T-Z', '/', 'T', '/', 'TryStuff', '/', 'data', '/', 'csv', '/', 'IllinoisDataModified.csv']

    outfilename = Path(f"{'/'.join(parts)}")
    # join fileparts back together
    # outfilename = '/media/stubens/DataDrive-3XT/projs/T-Z/T/TryStuff/data/csv/IllinoisDataModified.csv'
    print(f"new output file name: {outfilename}")
    # will print
    # '/media/stubens/DataDrive-3XT/projs/T-Z/T/TryStuff/data/csv/IllinoisDataModified.csv'

    # open two files, filename as input (fp), outfilename as output (fout)
    with as fp,'w') as fout:

        # set csv reader to flename (fp)
        crdr = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',')

        # set csv writer to outfilename (fout), delimiter = ','
        cwrtr = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=',')

        # for each row in crdr (csv input)
        for row in crdr:

            # print the row

            # ...
            # Your code goes here
            # ...

            # write modified row
(Dec-07-2020, 10:17 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:What does this part of the code below? Could you provide some explanation behind the lines of code as comments?

for example, filename = Path('/media/stubens/DataDrive-3XT/projs/T-Z/T/TryStuff/data/csv/IllinoisData.csv')
def read_csv_file(filename):

    parts = list(
    # parts = ['/', 'media', '/', 'stubens', '/', 'DataDrive-3XT','/', 'projs', '/', 'T-Z', '/', 'T', '/', 'TryStuff', '/', 'data', '/', 'csv', '/', 'IllinoisData.csv']

    parts[-1] = f"{filename.stem}Modified{filename.suffix}"
    # parts[-1] = 'IllinoisDataModified.csv'
    # parts = ['/', 'media', '/', 'stubens', '/', 'DataDrive-3XT','/', 'projs', '/', 'T-Z', '/', 'T', '/', 'TryStuff', '/', 'data', '/', 'csv', '/', 'IllinoisDataModified.csv']

    parts[0] = ''
    # removes '/' from index 0 because join will add it back again
    # parts = ['media', '/', 'stubens', '/', 'DataDrive-3XT','/', 'projs', '/', 'T-Z', '/', 'T', '/', 'TryStuff', '/', 'data', '/', 'csv', '/', 'IllinoisDataModified.csv']

    outfilename = Path(f"{'/'.join(parts)}")
    # join fileparts back together
    # outfilename = '/media/stubens/DataDrive-3XT/projs/T-Z/T/TryStuff/data/csv/IllinoisDataModified.csv'
    print(f"new output file name: {outfilename}")
    # will print
    # '/media/stubens/DataDrive-3XT/projs/T-Z/T/TryStuff/data/csv/IllinoisDataModified.csv'

    # open two files, filename as input (fp), outfilename as output (fout)
    with as fp,'w') as fout:

        # set csv reader to flename (fp)
        crdr = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',')

        # set csv writer to outfilename (fout), delimiter = ','
        cwrtr = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=',')

        # for each row in crdr (csv input)
        for row in crdr:

            # print the row

            # ...
            # Your code goes here
            # ...

            # write modified row

from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import csv

def get_filename():
    filename = Path(askopenfilename(filetypes=[("CSV files","*.csv")]))

    return filename

def read_csv_file(filename):
    parts = list(

if __name__ == '__main__':              #This executes the code!
If I run the above code, I have the Unused variable 'parts'pylint(unused-variable) message. I do understand the parts variable is not defined, but how can it run anyway in the code Larz60 provided me? I can't find the variable parts defined in the code anyway...
Python_User Wrote:I can't find the variable parts defined in the code anyway...
parts is an attribute pathlib that Larz60+ use here.
That Pylint complain about can you just ignore,as it's not error just that Pylint struggle whit pathlib.

Also is not necessary to split it up parts as done here,can just read filename
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from pathlib import Path
import csv
def get_filename():
    filename = Path(askopenfilename(filetypes=[("CSV files", "*.csv")])) 
    return filename
def read_csv_file(filename):
    # parts = list(
    with open(filename) as fp:    
        crdr = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',') 
        for row in crdr:

if __name__ == '__main__':          
['name', 'origin', 'dest'] ['xxx', 'uk', 'france'] ['yyyy', 'norway', 'finland'] ['zzzz', 'denmark', 'canada']
Just to clarify:

In the original code (posted below again), parts was used to create the output file name, and had nothing to do with input file name (as requested by member). There are several ways to do this, I chose splitting into parts, adding in 'Modified' to end of filename, and joining back together.

Original code:
import csv
from pathlib import Path
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
import sys
def read_csv_file(filename):
    parts = list(
    parts[-1] = f"{filename.stem}Modified{filename.suffix}"
    parts[0] = ''
    outfilename = Path(f"{'/'.join(parts)}")
    print(f"new output file name: {outfilename}")
    with as fp,'w') as fout:
        crdr = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',')
        cwrtr = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=',')
        for row in crdr:
            # Modify row as desired here
def get_filename():
    badcount = 0
            if badcount > 2:
                print("Three strikes and your out!")
            filename = Path(askopenfilename(filetypes=[("CSV files","*.csv")]))
        except TypeError:
            badcount += 1
            print(f"bad filename, try again")
    return filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
Please note f-strings are not being properly displayed. items within brackets should be highlighted as they are placeholders for the variable they contain.
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