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Full Version: Holding multiple scripts and system portability
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Ive been getting more into python development recently and I have two questions that sit above coding and are more about systems.

The first is about automation as a lot of the scripts I have I set up to make life on the machine and services I use more efficient. If I only had one script to execute I would create a desktop icon and click on it but I have about 30 in different categories so it would instead make sense to have something like a webpage on the OS that opens with categorised links to click that would then open Terminal on the Mac then run them in a few clicks but this comes with security issues and lots of Mac automator shell scripts to set up. Is there a recommended way to go about this?

The second is about portability. If I want to reinstall the OS or move machines how do people recommend taking the 'setup' along? Mac is simple in the way it stores information, with Python then I have installed Xcode and command line tools but since then hundreds of things including pyenv etc. All these could easily be lost. Do you have any best practice ideas for sandboxing them all or containing them so it is a matter of just copy and pasting a few directories into the new install?

Thanks TQ