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Full Version: irrelevant images error
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We want a warning screen to appear when an image other than CT or X-Ray images (for example, when a dog, cat, carpet image is loaded) is added to this deep learning based web application we have created. However, the application right now gives the result of COVID positive or COVID negative when an image that is not CT or X-Ray is uploaded. Methods based on Mean Squared Error, Structural Similarity Measure ,and min-max filtering were tried. Are there any other effective methods you can suggest so we can print an error result on these irrelevant images? Also are there any examples of python codes of these methods?
There was a silly (at first) episode of the comedy series 'Silicon Valley' where one of the players came up with a way to identify something as a hot dog or not.

This has actually been applied in python and not so silly after all.

google "hot dog not hot dog python" and have a look.

Some of these apps look like they may hold value for you.
thank you for your comment.