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Full Version: Something wrong with the quotation mark in dictionary definition
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I'm trying out an Eliza chatbot I found online. The code starts with:
import re
import random
reflections = {
    “am”: “are”,
    “was”: “were”,
    “i”: “you”,
    “i’d”: “you would”,
    “i’ve”: “you have”,
    “i’ll”: “you will”,
    “my”: “your”,
    “are”: “am”,
    “you’ve”: “I have”,
    “you’ll”: “I will”,
    “your”: “my”,
    “yours”: “mine”,
    “you”: “me”,
    “me”: “you”
Right off the top, Spyder is giving me:
Material\Miscellaneous\Python\", line 11
    “am”: “are”,
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
What's invalid here? Thanks!
You use these chars

and it should be
or apostrophe

reflections = {
    "am": "are",
    "was": "were",
    "i": "you",
    "i’d": "you would",
    "i’ve": "you have",
    "i’ll": "you will",
    "my": "your",
    "are": "am",
    "you’ve": "I have",
    "you’ll": "I will",
    "your": "my",
    "yours": "mine",
    "you": "me",
    "me": "you"
I guess you copy the code from some site that uses fancy/incorrect representation.