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Full Version: Why the 5 minute wait?
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Why was I required to wait 5 minutes from my last post before I could post this one? I don't see anything in the Help about it. Is it because I an a newbie? If so, fine. But if this applies to everyone forever, it will detract from my use of the forum.

Consider this. Suppose, as a newbie, I have more than one question -- something probably not unheard of with newbies, no? If you make me wait 5 minutes between every post, I will be tempted to ask more than 1 question in the same post, something I think you would frown on even more than quick posts.
I also have to wait for 5 minutes from my last post before I could post a new one.
I am also a new member and I am sure it only applies to new ones so that spam
can be prevented. It cannot be the case with the old members.