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Full Version: Text to Column to Excel in Python
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Hello everyone,

I have updated my script as follows:
import mutagen, xlrd, glob, re, openpyxl, os
# from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from os import walk
from pprint import pprint
from tinytag import TinyTag, TinyTagException
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
from mp3_tagger import MP3File
from string import ascii_uppercase

filenames = os.listdir('E:\\All of D Drive\\Mixes\\')  # directory path of files
number_files = len(filenames)

def ExtractMP3TagtoExcel():
    print('Starting Program')

    tracks = []
    gettags = []
    for root, dirs, files, in os.walk('E:\\All of D Drive\\Mixes\\'): #('C:\\Users\\mrdrj\\Desktop\\sdf\\'):
        for name in files:
            if name.endswith(('.mp3', '.m4a', '.flac', '.alac')):

                tracks.append(name)  # Add Media Files


                    temp_track = TinyTag.get(root + '\\' + name)
                    mp3 = MP3File(root + '\\' + name)
                    # tags = mp3.get_tags()
                    print(root, '-', temp_track.artist, '-', temp_track.title)

                    gettags2 = [temp_track.album, temp_track.albumartist, temp_track.artist, temp_track.audio_offset,
                                temp_track.bitrate, temp_track.comment, temp_track.composer, temp_track.disc,
                                temp_track.disc_total, temp_track.duration, temp_track.filesize, temp_track.genre,
                                temp_track.samplerate, temp_track.title, temp_track.track, temp_track.track_total,
                                temp_track.year]  # Add Tags to list


                except TinyTagException:

    wb = Workbook()

    dest_filename = '-11empty_book11-.xlsx'
    #newFile = dest_filename

    #worksheet =

    ws1 =
    #ws =
    ws1.title = "MP3 Tags"  # Main Tab
    #sheet = "MP3 Tags"
    sheet = wb['MP3 Tags']

    ws1['A1'] = 'Album'
    ws1['B1'] = 'Contributing Artists'
    ws1['C1'] = 'Title'
    ws1['D1'] = 'Total Number of Disk'
    ws1['E1'] = 'Genre'
    ws1['F1'] = 'Disc Number'
    ws1['G1'] = 'Track Duration'

    for i in range(0,len(gettags)):
        e.value =  "{0}".format(gettags[i]) #gettags[i] #gettags[i]

The problem that I am having difficulty working out from the print
is how can I text to columns like in excel the following ['', ' A.R.P & U. T Dread', ' A.R.P & U. T Dread', 484185, 320] into the separate columns of Album, Title, Genre, etc? Thanks