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Full Version: How to plot a Graph
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Hello, I have an equation and need to plot a graph using the Euler method, the code looks like this:

h = 0.01
x = [0.0]
y = [0]
n = int(30/h)

def f(y,x):
    eq = #something
     return #something

for i in range (0,n):
    xn = (i+1)*h
    yn = y[i] + f(y[i],x[i])*h
    #print (x[i],y[i])
plt.title("Concentration by Time")
But I have an equation, this one:

10(105 + log(900)) -5*t = S^2 /2 +20S +20log(S)

So when t = 0, S = 30. So I need to plot the values of S as the time increase.

Any help how to solve the equation?? In fact, I need anything that use the euler method that allows me to plot the graph.

Thanks in advance!
It might help to say what do you mean with "plotting graph using euler method" - euler method usually means numerical method to solve first order ODE - and if you mean this method, then solving ODE and plotting result are two rather separate things.

Anyway your equation is not a differential equation, you can transform it to an explicit form as t = f(S) and then straigtly plot it with matplotlib as Larz60+ suggested. And if you instist on using implicit equation, there is plot_implicit() function in sympy.plotting.