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Hello I'm trying to create a discord bot and I'm stuck one subject. I want to share a random photo from a folder when someone write in the chat specific words. For example when someone write 'dog', ı want to share a dog photo from a folder. I'll show my basic code I hope you will help me.

import os
import random
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

my_files = [discord.File('A:\\ma\\1.jpg'), discord.File('A:\\ma\\2.jpg')]
bat = ['dog', 'cat']
if any(word in msg for word in bat):
(Apr-23-2021, 11:37 AM)aliwien Wrote: [ -> ]Hello I'm trying to create a discord bot and I'm stuck one subject. I want to share a random photo from a folder when someone write in the chat specific words. For example when someone write 'dog', ı want to share a dog photo from a folder. I'll show my basic code I hope you will help me.

import os
import random
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

my_files = [discord.File('A:\\ma\\1.jpg'), discord.File('A:\\ma\\2.jpg')]
bat = ['dog', 'cat']
if any(word in msg for word in bat):

Well, first, it is not a "random" photo, it is a specific photo. What I would do is tag the metadata of each photo with the tags that would include it. I would write a program that I would run every so often (once a month, maybe) that opened each photo and read the metadata, and found the tags. It would then create a dictionary of tag : (photo1, photo2, ..., photoN). I would save this dictionary to a disk file. When I ran the Python program, it would start up by reading this dictionary in. Then, when it found a tag in the chat that matched a tag in the dictionary, it would select one of the photos in the list, and in this case it might choose, if > 1 photos, a photo randomly of that set. This way, I don't have to create a list of the photos by hand in the source code. I might use a program that let me add captions to a photo, and I might add a caption like
Fido and I at the beach :dog: :beach:
The format for metadata in photos (particularly JPEG) is documented; there may even be a place for a text caption and for keywords, in which case the syntax I just gave may not be necessary. This means that if you want to remove a tag, you can do it easily, rerun the indexing program, and that photo is no longer in the set. I would never consider any solution that required I build a table on my own, separate from the photos.

I'm not sure what discord.File() does, but it strikes me that if you had a thousand photos, this involves reading all thousand photos in when the program starts. Having two tables, "my_files" and "bat", is insane and unmaintainable once the quantity of photos hits two digits. I would store just the filenames, and not apply discord.File() until I knew which photo I was going to send.

I worry about things like "await" applied to something that could take a long, possibly unbounded, time. This is frequently bad style, because it makes an assumption which might frequently be invalid: that the operation will complete quickly. This is a dangerous assumption.
Can show demo of a generic solution.
Let say have a folder animal that have sub-folder like dog_pic, cat_pic...ect.
So when dog is the chosen word pick a random image from dog_pic folder.
import os
import  random

def folder_pic(path, name_choice):
    '''Choice right animal folder'''
    for folder in os.scandir(path):
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            if name_choice in

def pick_random_animal(path, animal_folder):
    '''Get a random image from animal folder'''
    path = os.path.join(path, animal_folder)
    pic = random.choice(os.listdir(path))
    return pic

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = r'E:\div_code\animals'
    name_choice  = 'dog'
    animal_folder = folder_pic(path, name_choice)
    print(pick_random_animal(path, animal_folder))
# Run 3 times dog_2.png dog_1.png dog_3.png
So if change name_choice = 'cat' will pic from cat_pic folder.
# Run 3 times cat_1.png cat_4.png cat_4.png