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Full Version: Pushbutton in ANSA
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Hi everyone,
I am using python to create a gui interface in the software ANSA.
I want to add a pushbutton which is created using this layout:
ansa.guitk.BCPushButtonCreate(p, text, funct, data)
My question is: is it possible to add more than one data to this function?
ANSA is not a GUI framework I have heard of do you have a link to where you get it from and its documents.
I am not sure about where to get it from, but here is a link to ANSA's API documentation. file:///M:/BETA_CAE_Systems/Ansa_v19.1.6/ansa_v19.1.6/docs/extending/python_api/html/index.html

Actually what i want to achieve is, when the button is clicked it should read the data "x" that the user enters, and uses it for further calculations, then print some things found from the calculations in a BCListView .so i have two data required for the pushbutton: x and BCListView