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Full Version: get sender IP on UDP server?
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Hello ,
I want to build my own syslog server
I have created a simple Udp server :
import logging
import socket

if __name__ == '__main__':
    UDP_IP = ""
    UDP_PORT = 5005
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,  socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
    while True:
        data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)  # buffer size is 1024 bytes
        print("From: %s received message: %s" % (addr, data))
when the message is comming I can see this :
From: ('', 42060) received message: b'script,error this is error test message'
now the '' IP is the IP of my router and not from the computer how is sending this message
how can I get the IP

*** up until now I have used Splunk(I don't need ot because it have to much on it - and i just need simple things ) , and with the same error message it does show my the remote\client\sender IP
so I guss it is posiable to get

Thanks ,
Looks okay to me. I wonder if you have some strange networking going on. Unprompted UDP like this shouldn't be subject to NAT, but I have no other explanation. It works fine on my machine. The only change I made was to bind to all addresses so I didn't have to hardcode my IP.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    UDP_IP = ""
    UDP_PORT = 5005
$ ip -br addr show dev eth0 scope global eth0 UP $ echo -n "Test UDP message" > /dev/udp/ $
From: ('', 58743) received message: b'Test UDP message'
did you try to send this from outside your netwrok ?
let's say from the internet to the server behind the router?