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Full Version: How to fetch database row values and display it in some labels
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I want to fetch database row values and display it in some labels based upon the selected value of combo box.

The combo box successfully display 'item_name' from table_1 in the combo box. Now, I want to display 'item_name' relevant row values (like item_price, item_code, item_qty etc) in label_1, label_2, label_3 etc., whenever the combo box value changes.

I fetch database and display in the combo box with the following code:

def populate_combobox(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect('DB.db')
c = conn.cursor()

c.execute("SELECT item_name FROM table_1")

data = c.fetchall()

for item_name in data:
Examples: table_1
| id | item_name|item_code|item_qty |item_price| | -- |----------|---------|---------|----------| | 1 | mango |MGO | 20 | 150 | | 2 | banana |BNNA | 5 | 120 | | 3 | apple |APPL | 15 | 180 | | 4 | grape |GRPE | 55 | 750 | | 5 | coconut |CCN | 75 | 820 | | 6 | pumpkin |PPK | 100 | 980 |
My expectation:
If combobox value 'mango' is selected:
label_1 = MGO
label_2 = 20
label_3 =150

and If combobox value 'apple' is selected:
label_1 = APPL
label_2 = 15
label_3 =180

Thanks in advance.