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Hi, I am very new to Python so fumbling around in the dark. Here is my problem, I would be grateful for any help.

I am trying to use some code called MavProxy which is used for communicating with the MavLink protocol used in aerial drones. I have a custom frame so need to install a custom repository in the MavProxy build. 

The repository is hosted on Github under Ardupilot/pymavlink

When I download the repository I navigate to it in Command Prompt (Windows10) and type "python build install". I then return a comment saying 
"Skipping mavnative due to windows possibly missing a compiler...
running build
running build_py
No XML message definitions found
The mavnative is a folder inside the repository containing 2 files, a .h and a .c file.

Am I simply missing a compiler?

Any help would be very much appreciated.
Quote:Am I simply missing a compiler?
I believe you are, and it's C code, not python (at least the part you are having a problem with)
if you are on Linux, the compiler is there
you can download mingw for windows:
Many thanks for your help. Downloading minigw.

I will let you know if I have success.

Thanks again.

Still no success.

I have installed MinGW and restarted a command prompt. I then use:
python build -cmingw32

But it still says:
"Skipping mavnative due to windows possibly missing a compiler...
running build
running build_py
No XML message definitions found

Am I using MinGW correctly?

Thanks again for your help.