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Full Version: Python, PySimpleGUI and SQLite3
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Hello all,

Me again, back at it again with the python problems!

I'm trying to get my python to read and display data from a database file. Now I'm also using PySimpleGUI to make a nice tool to add to and view the data from the database. currently the issue is here:

            while True:
                layout3 = [[sg.T("Please select the entry you wish to view")],
                           [sg.Multiline(cur.execute('SELECT ID FROM entry_list'))]]
                window3 = sg.Window("View Entry", layout3, size = (500,400))
                event,values =
For the record there isn't currently an option to choose the entry as I want to get something displayed before I break it down further.

Now the problem is it should say inside the multiline:
"1 29-07-2021 This is a test"

However it says the following:
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x0000025143ECC3B0>

Now this isn't an error as such, it's just missing a bit of code that tells it to populate the multiline with the data from the table!

I tried the cur.fetchall() command however that raised an error saying the cursor is not callable.
