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Full Version: Cancel update of text of QPlainTextEdit if terms not satisfied
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I have a QPlainTextEdit 's textChanged event connected to _criterion_txt_textChanged function.
I want the user not to able to enter a value grater than 2 and smaller than 1.
It can be int or decimal (float).
When terms are not satisfied, I want to set it's text to '1'.
(or maybe cancel update if possible)

This is what I've done, but not working.

def _criterion_txt_textChanged(self):
        if not re.match("\d*\.?\d*", criterion_txt.toPlainText()):
            msg =  "Only integers and decimals allowed, from 1 up to 2"
            text = float(criterion_txt.toPlainText())
            msg = "Only integers and decimals allowed, from 1 up to 2"
How can I achieve this?