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Full Version: Python 3.9 and WINDOWS 10
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Hi all,
I am trying to troubleshoot/modify my python interpreter. I have downloaded 3.9, but my environment variable still points to the original 3.8 directory. I use ATOM (on occassion) and the CMD to run my little scripts.

If I change the path in “C:\Program Files(X86)\Common Files…” to the new 3.9 directory, does that “break” the CMD path? I’m worried once I remove the 3.8 directory, I will lose ATOM connectivity.
Why does the environment variable have a special variable called, “Python_Home”? Which does point to “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Python 3.8” Is this the link that runs my ATOM scripts?
Thanks for any help
sudo rm windows
sudo apt install linux
(Oct-16-2021, 05:38 PM)deep_logic Wrote: [ -> ]I use ATOM
I do not know what ATOM is. When I search I find Atom and since searches are case-insensitive I assume it will be difficult for me to know for sure what ATOM is. But since you say CMD you are probably making everything an acronym even when when they are not. I am not being picky, it helps to be accurate in communication.

(Oct-16-2021, 05:38 PM)deep_logic Wrote: [ -> ]If I change the path in “C:\Program Files(X86)\Common Files…”
I have no idea what that means. Perhaps you need to provide a more complete path.

What does the following show? Try them in both a command prompt and wherever else you execute Python.

print("executable: "+os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
print("Python path:")
(Oct-16-2021, 05:38 PM)deep_logic Wrote: [ -> ]I am trying to troubleshoot/modify my python interpreter.
Can you be more specific about what you are having problems with? Instead of asking for help troubleshooting, people are more likely to be able to help if they understand why you need to troubleshoot.