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Full Version: Output Static image on HDMI2
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Hey there,

I have a science project that I am working on and there is an important part of it that I am struggling with. I will have to output a static image on a second display (I will just call it the LCD from now on) which is connected to a Ubuntu 18.04 desktop pc via a HDMI cable. To do so I am allowed to use any programming language I want though python is strongly advised by my supervisor.

The LCD should not be used as a second monitor for the pc but rather as a separate device. Instead I just want it to show the image I send to the LCD until I send a new one. The image will be computed by an algorithm, that I will worry about later in the process.

From my research I gathered that I will likely have to write directly into the framebuffer of the LCD. But I couldn't find any info on how to realize that with python.

I guess my problem is that I don't even know where to start looking for the things I need to know. And that I get confused quickly whether the posts that I am reading are even relevant for my question.

So if someone could lead me into the right direction or tell me if the framebuffer idea is feasible to begin with, I would be very thankful.

Have a nice day

EDIT: I just realized that I didn't ask any direct questions:
- Is it possible to use the LCD as a "separate device" while it is being connected to the pc? Do I have the right approach?
- Where would I find the right resources to learn about the framebuffer and how to feed it with my image?
- Is there by chance any similar project/thread you know about?