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Full Version: How to get datetime from numeric format field
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Hi there,

Can someone help me to extract datetime from the following "data" field

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data={"fruit":['apple','pear','banana','peach'],

df1['Data1'] = pd.to_datetime((df1['Data'])).dt.strftime('%Y%M%D%H%M%S')
fruit id Data Data1 0 apple 2 20210522113347 20213305/22/21113347 1 pear 1 20210522113359 20213305/22/21113359 2 banana 3 20210522113412 20213405/22/21113412 3 peach 4 20210522113431 20213405/22/21113431
Appreciate it if someone can help.
What are you trying to do? This will give you a column of datetime objects.
df1['Data1'] = pd.to_datetime((df1['Data']))
Now that you have a datetime object you can convert it back to a string. I like to format dates like Nov 5, 2021.
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt

df = pd.DataFrame(data={"fruit":['apple','pear','banana','peach'],

df['Data1'] = pd.to_datetime((df['Date'])).dt.strftime('%b %d, %Y')
fruit id Date Data1 0 apple 2 20201221113347 Dec 21, 2020 1 pear 1 20211103113359 Nov 03, 2021 2 banana 3 20211103113412 Nov 03, 2021 3 peach 4 20211105113431 Nov 05, 2021
Note: I changed some of your dates . Better toss the apples!

A description of format characters for datetime.strftime:

If you want to extract info like the day, month, year etc from the datetime:
Thanks!! @deanhystad
As info so dos Pandas has Time/date functionality build in.
So no need for this import import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
        "fruit": ["apple", "pear", "banana", "peach"],
        "id": [2, 1, 3, 4],
        "Data": [

df1['Data'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['Data'])
>>> df1
    fruit  id                Data
0   apple   2 2021-05-22 11:33:47
1    pear   1 2021-05-22 11:33:59
2  banana   3 2021-05-22 11:34:12
3   peach   4 2021-05-22 11:34:31
>>> df1.Data.dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
0    05/22/2021
1    05/22/2021
2    05/22/2021
3    05/22/2021
Name: Data, dtype: object

>>> #Save DataFrame with a new date format
>>> df1['Data'] = df1.Data.dt.strftime('%b %d, %Y')
>>> df1
    fruit  id          Data
0   apple   2  May 22, 2021
1    pear   1  May 22, 2021
2  banana   3  May 22, 2021
3   peach   4  May 22, 2021