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Full Version: Moving to AWS with Python
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As my free subscription was up with Azure I decided to move my small ecommerce project to AWS.
Found I needed to use AWS toolkit with visual studio to upload project to elastic beanstalk on AWS.
Uploaded project and got green status and no errors.
But wouldnt run site from AWS link given.
So after 10 days with AWS support apparently they thought it was a problem with my code and werent interested.
I broke code down into a very small app, removed extra's from requirements.txt and renamed to
I then found I got code that worked on AWS but only using zip upload.
Added in basic MSSQL code and it returned errors on AWS.
I had to add PYMSSQL to requirements.txt for it to run.
Then had problems with sending a invoice via email to the customer and the vendor.
I found out that AWS block emails due to spam rules.

This looks like I found the problems quickly, I didnt we are talking over 2 weeks work to get something half running.
There were other problems too which I havent mentioned.

AWS seems very slow, very complicated and difficult to use.
Error messages are very generic.
AWS support seemed to fob me off at times with "its your end", well I suppose it was but thye should have
The Visual Studio/aws toolkit route I have never managed to get working.
nigelwright7557 Wrote:AWS seems very slow, very complicated and difficult to use.
Personally, I couldn't agree more.
Some people like it though.
I wasnt having a go at AWS just relaying my experience as a beginner.
AWS is much cheaper than Azure and for me its free tier is ideal for learning new languages.
You pay your money and take your choice.
The requirements.txt file was causing all sorts of problems.

AWS would get upset if I missed some entries but also got upset if I added certain entries.

Despite having about 20 functions from libraries I only have 2 in the requirements.txt file and this works !