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Full Version: Arduino's AccelStepper Library with Nanpy?
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I want to use the Arduino library AccelStepper with a Python script. I am unable to find if Nanpy supports this library? Am I able to use this? if so, how do I go about this?

Thank you!
Looking at the project home page:

It says this:
Quote:Supported hardware
ATmega boards (ATtiny has not enough RAM)
ESP8266 (communication over serial or WiFi connection)
external hardware:
BMP180 Digital pressure sensor
AD9850 Direct Digital Synthesizer
TLC5947 LED Driver
DHT11, DHT22, DHT21, AM2301 humidity sensors
HD44780 LCD controller
PCF8574 8-Bit I/O Expander for I2C
X9C1xxx (xxx = 102,103,104,503) digital potentiometers
HC-SR04 (ultrasonic sensor)
internal hardware:
counter, frequency measurement
PWM (advanced PWM functions are hardcoded for Uno compatible boards)
read, write RAM
read, write EEPROM
read, write all registers

I would contact the author of the package.
Perhaps CircuitPython. Without investigating further (I'll leave that up to you), here's a page that discusses using CircuitPython with stepper motors (yours may or may not be mentioned, but code should be similar).