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Full Version: My minoconda3 install is not working.
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I was working on a new python program that would predict Formula_1 season winners.

I tried to open the anaconda command line from my Windows 10 apps list (I have opened it may times before with no errors) and got this output when I tried to get a list of my virtual environments:

'C:\Users\james\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Users\james>conda env list 'conda' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
There was no indication in the c prompt of what virtual environment that I was in.

I am using miniconda3 not anaconda (it saves hard drive space). I believe that the fix for anaconda also applies to miniconda3.

I tried to reinstall miniconda3 and it said during the install to choose a directory. I chose miniconda3 the original directory. It said that directory exists
and it is not empty; and I should choose another directory.

I could still choose Miniconda3, but that would blow away all of my virtual environments that I have created in the last year and a half.

I do not want that!

Is there is a way to refresh my existing miniconda3 install or to reinstall miniconda3 and save my current environments. I want to keep them.

I believe that there must be a broken link and to somehow relink it will solve the problem.

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.


You don't need to tell Windows where any Python installation is,but can if want trough Environment Variables Path.
I have a lot of environment not only Anaconda/Miniconda,but i never tell Windows about other than other that one from
λ conda env list
'conda' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
So this in not a problem i can activate base environment or directly on of my other environments.
# Activate base
λ G:\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat base

# Now can list environment 
(base) G:\div_code
λ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  G:\miniconda3
cc_env                   G:\miniconda3\envs\cc_env
ccee_env                 G:\miniconda3\envs\ccee_env
my1_env                  G:\miniconda3\envs\my1_env
new_env                  G:\miniconda3\envs\new_env
tom_env                  G:\miniconda3\envs\tom_env

# Switch 
(base) G:\div_code
λ activate tom_env

(tom_env) G:\div_code
So what i do is to have a line G:\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat tom_env then just paste that into command line(cmd) or cmder as i use,
then is environment ready to use.

Some more info in you latest Thread about how i make environment.