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I've been working with some open API from ESPN located here:

as you can see, this is a pretty convoluted json file

I honestly do not know where to start as I have never worked with json files at this magnitude.

I have had a few attempts using this script here:

import urllib.request
import json

with urllib.request.urlopen("") as url:
    live = json.loads(
for type in live['liveData']['plays']:
though I don't know how to get from this point. I have tried by using another for loop

for type2 in type['allPlays'];
(Jan-27-2022, 06:01 PM)Joeylax54 Wrote: [ -> ]I honestly do not know where to start

...and we can't help you because we don't know what you want to accomplish.
The following code will get you the json data and save in a dictionary.
I added the display__dict function only to show the format of the dictionary.
It's not needed for any other reason, and can be removed.

import requests
import json

nhlstats = {}

def display_dict(dictname, level=0):
    indent = " " * (4 * level)
    for key, value in dictname.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            level += 1
            display_dict(value, level)
            print(f'{indent}{key}: {value}')
        if level > 0:
            level -= 1

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
    nhlstats = response.json()
    print(f"Unable to extract json from {url}")