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Full Version: Using C++/CLI wrapper functions by Python
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I have created C++ Dll to be loaded by many programs, interfaces (also Python). This Dll is calling another C++/CLI Dll wrapper which wraps C# Dll (Licencing functions).

This program can work in several interfaces fine (C++ .exe, C# GUI...), but when calling by Python it fails always on the C++/CLI Dll wrapper function. In this, it is also unable to go inside the C++/CLI Dll function (probably unable to load the Dll). When I call it from Python console, I receive

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in OSError: [WinError -532462766] Windows Error 0xe0434352

I found out on internet that this is reported by many authors. But I was not able to find any solution.

I really don't understand why is that? As I mentioned, I call Dll also from C++ .exe or C# .exe without any problem. Also if I comment wrapper function, then can use all C++ Dll functions without errror.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

I have an issue similar to the one you describe, raising the same error. I developed a DLL in C++ that, for a specific case, call a function of a second (external) DLL. It works fine in C++ but it fails for this specific case when it is called from Python code.
Following this thread,, I have found that if I put my external DLL where my python.exe is it works fine.

I then tried to specify the path to my external DLL using the function os.add_dll_directory() but it seems to be useless.

Since you asked your question 3 months ago, I was wondering if you found a way to overcome your issue?


I am really suprised. I found out that this forum is dead.

The problem was as you described. It is assumed that dependencies are nearby .exe (Python). Here is the solution

Hope this help you as me.