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Full Version: list all functions in a package
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I am used to computing but not in python. Can please someone help me ?

I am trying to use a big package and I need to search some functions inside, so, I need these names.

A sample code begins like

from mypackage import module1
from mypackage.api import module2, module3
from mypackage.models import module4, module5, module6

I found things like help(module1) or print(dir(module1)) but impossible for me to scan all "mypackage". I in fact would like to know all the functions that come with

pip install git+

Thanks :)

You could start with this script to list all the subpackages of a package.

By modifying the script, it should be easy to list all the functions of each subpackage.
Does this package not have any documentation?
import sys
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import isclass, isfunction

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    raise SystemExit("Module name is required")

def get_functions(module, private=False):
    module = import_module(module)
    functions = []
    classes = []
    for name, object in vars(module).items():
        if not private and name.startswith("_"):

        if isfunction(object):
        elif isclass(object):

    return functions, classes

if __name__ == "__main__":
    functions, classes = get_functions(sys.argv[1])

    indent = " " * 4
    for func in functions:
        print(indent, func)

    for cls in classes:
        print(indent, cls)

[andre@andre-Fujitsu-i5 ~]$ python pathlib Functions: urlquote_from_bytes Classes: Sequence attrgetter PurePath PurePosixPath PureWindowsPath Path PosixPath WindowsPath
Here you find more functions, to inspect the code:
Gone look at fantastic Rich✨ and pdir.
For me a fast way and what i always use when inspect a package or help someone with make package(many often get trouble) is ptpython.
Show all method automatic.
[Image: LKnPan.png]

Rich using inspect.
[Image: E3YMte.png]

[Image: 62mkHr.png]

Rich example all string method with help in one page.
[Image: gNOIDB.png]
(Mar-10-2022, 09:35 AM)ndc85430 Wrote: [ -> ]Does this package not have any documentation?

I don't thik so..

I don't see any one (for exactly python code).