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Full Version: Installing py Files
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I have a bunch of .py files sitting in my command line directory path and I wish to install them to Python3. I have tried 'sudo apt install' and sudo apt-get install python-filename ect but they don't recognize the files. Any solutions please?

You could do the following
  1. Create a directory for these Python files, for example /home/myname/pymods
  2. Find the per user site-packages directory. For this, start python and run
    >>> import site
    >>> site.getusersitepackages()
    On the computer where I'm writing this, it prints '/home/eric/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages'. This is the path to the directory
  3. In this directory, create a file named (if it does not already exist). In this file add code
    import site
You can now import these python modules.