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Full Version: Mytime Problems
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I'm getting the error with the use of mytime. Is this part of a library?
Thank you, Dave

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/David/PycharmProjects/pythonProject2/venv/", line 233, in <module> print("%.8f" % mytime, file=output) NameError: name 'mytime' is not defined
with open(file_ls, "w") as output:
    output.write("%d %d %d" % (np.shape(kxx)[1], np.shape(kxx)[0], collapse_steps))
    for ii in np.arange((np.shape(kxx)[1])):
            print("%.8f" % (kxx[0, ii]), file=output)
   ### for ii in arrange(shape(kyy)[0]):
    for ii in np.arange(np.shape(kyy)[0] - 1, -1, -1):
            print("%.8f" % (kyy[ii, 0]), file=output)
    for ii in np.arange(collapse_steps):
            print("%.8f" % mytime, file=output)]
What is mytime? I don't see it as a package anywhere. Can you list the imports at the top of the module? That might provide some hits.