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Full Version: Can I check multi condition for 1 item in a easy way?
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I want to check if 1 item apper in 4 lists
right now this is how I do this:
if item is not None and item is not False and item not in Error_List:
is there an easy \ cleaner way to do this? something like:

is item not in list1 or list2 or list3 
"if not item or item in Error_list" will work, but not "not item" is also true for 0, empty container objects, and blank strings. Have you tried using "any()"?
can you explain \ show example ? (find if 1 item is in 3 differnets lists)
Thanks ,
if item and item not in Error_List:
This should work, if item is a NoneType, Boolean or something different which is not in Error_List.
Examples how to use Python "any"