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Full Version: Flask or Django: Which Framework Support Database?
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Hello All, I am working on a web development project and I want to know which one is support database between Flask and Django? According to this post, Django supports the most popular relational database management systems like MySQL, Oracle etc but not an idea about Flask. Can anyone know, Is flask support database?
Flask works well with sqlalchemy (ORM), so pretty much any DBMS that's out there.

I wrote a web page using PostgreSQL and also SQLite3 using SQLAlchemy (ORM) and bootstrap template, There's only a few lines in the model that need to be changed to switch from one DBMS to another, so you can support more than one on the same database if that's desirable.
If you are not familiar with SQLAlchemy, take a look at:
SqlAlchemy Tutorial - Basic Model, database Creation and Data Load
The standard way in Flask for use of database is trough Flask-SQLAlchemy.
Connection URI Format.