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I have setup the class methods I would like to use instead of the code below the class. I am new to classes and still learning, how to make them work effectively.

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!
The code should print the numerical value of the letter according to its location in the alphabet, from the stored dictionary. The text file read in is just the alphabet a-z.

import numpy as np
import string

class Alphabet(
   def __len__(self):
   def __iter__(self):
   def __getitem__(self,key):

filename= "alphabet.txt" # Assigns the file to a variable
alphabet= np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype= str) # reads in alphabet from file

my_dict= dict.fromkeys(alphabet,0) # Sets the imported Alphabet letters to keys

i=0 # Initialize the incrementation
alphabet_loc= [] # Initialize the alphabets value storage
for i in range(len(alphabet)): # Iterates as many times as there are characters 
   alph_value= ord(alphabet[i])-96 # finds the ordinal value and minus 96 to get to 1
   alphabet_loc.append(alph_value) # Fills the value array
   my_dict[alphabet[i]]= alphabet_loc[i] # Builds the dictionary Key values

def get_key(): # Function for getting the key from the user.
   input_char=input("Please enter a single letter of the alphabet: ").lower() # User input, converts in lowercase
   allowed_char= string.ascii_letters # used to verify the user input is a letter
   while(len(input_char) != 1 or input_char not in allowed_char): # Loop for checking length and character entered
       input_char= input("Please enter a single letter of the alphabet: ").lower() # user input, converts in lowercase
   return input_char # Ends the while loop and return the value

key_char= get_key() # Calls on the function and receives the user input Key

print(my_dict[key_char]) # Print out the the ordinal value for the user inputed Key
To use the class you have to create an instance so you code should have something like:


alphabet['k'] # will call alphabet.__getitem__('k')
Note that nothing says how you initialize the mapping with data, that's up to you. And __getitem__ can just as well compute the answer instead of
looking it up:

import collections
class Alphabet(collections.Mapping):
    def __len__(self):

    def __iter__(self):

    def __getitem__(self,key):
        return ord((key.lower()[0]))-96
print (alphabet['a'])
print (alphabet['A'])
print (alphabet['z'])
Btw, using numpy just to read a file is gross.