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Full Version: Webapp for creating sheet music
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I want to make a webapp for creating alternative music notation and be able to export the drawing as pdf, print, edit etc...
I am not so experienced so my question is: What are some good web frameworks for me as a beginner to start with?
Earlier i made a python application so I know a little...
thanks in advance!
This is something that I wrote quite some time ago, but had the capability of displaying sheet music (for scales):

The display portion used a combination of la-tex and lillypond to obtain the sheet music. I kind of got burnt out on the project, so although mostly functional, there are parts that were never implemented. At any rate, you may find something of value there.
Creating a web app for alternative music notation with features like exporting to PDF, printing, and editing involves both front-end and back-end development. Since you have some experience with Python, I'll suggest this web framework which is beginner-friendly.

1.> Django:-
Django is a high-level Python web framework that comes with many built-in features, including an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for database management. It's known for its simplicity and follows the "batteries included" philosophy, providing tools for authentication, security, and more. For your project, you can use Django to handle user authentication, storing music notations, and generating PDFs.