Aug-05-2022, 06:23 AM
Requirement Statements
Get someone's recent tweets and save to a CSV file.
We can start this simple beginner process quickly with Clicknium.
Environment Preparations
• Windows 10
• Visual Studio Code 1.69.2
• Clicknium 0.1.3
• Python 3.10.5
• Chrome 103.0.5060.134
• Need run this sample in English region.
Run this sample
• Follow clicknium getting started to set up develop environment.
• Clone sample repo.
• Open in visual studio code.
• Fill the sign config in
1. Assume Twitter is not open in chrome, so we need open chrome with the explore address firstly.
![[Image: sign_in_twitter.png]](
• Google account sign in
![[Image: search_target_user.png]](
![[Image: get_tweets.png]](
• Use get_text to get the tweets publish date, content and link, the result will be saved to a CSV file.
![[Image: sign_out.png]](
• Pass variable to the locator
In this sample user name is passed to the target_search_people locator as following
– Define variable in locator
– Pass variable in code
Clicknium provides excellent ways of the recorder and the concept of the Locator, which helps you finish developing efficiently without lots of details. Hence it is worth getting to know the concepts below.
1. Locator
2. Recorder
Functions involved
• click
• set_text
• get_text
• open browser
• wait_appear
• activate browser tab
• close browser tab
• find_element
• set_focus
• get_property
• send_hotkey
Get Started
1. Create a new folder. Open Visual Studio Code and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P to select Clicknium: Sample and select the newly created folder.
2. pip install clicknium
3. Copy the '.locator' folder under 'ScrapingPeopleRecentTweets' to your new created folder
4. Open and follow the steps above
Get someone's recent tweets and save to a CSV file.
We can start this simple beginner process quickly with Clicknium.
Environment Preparations
• Windows 10
• Visual Studio Code 1.69.2
• Clicknium 0.1.3
• Python 3.10.5
• Chrome 103.0.5060.134
• Need run this sample in English region.
Run this sample
• Follow clicknium getting started to set up develop environment.
• Clone sample repo.
git clone• Open the folder 'ScrapingPeopleRecentTweets' in Visual Studio code
• Open in visual studio code.
• Fill the sign config in
sign_in_method_name="" #google for Google account, twiiter_account for tweet account. account="" #google email/phone, twitter username/email/phone verify_account=""#Sign in with tweet account, may need secondary verification. e.g. sign in with twitter email use username/phone to verify. password="" # password• Fill a Twitter user name you want to scrape Tweets from in
scrape_user_name="" # The Twitter name you want to scrape Tweets from, must start with @. e.g. @exemple• Press F5 to debug the sample or press CTRL+F5 to run sample.
1. Assume Twitter is not open in chrome, so we need open chrome with the explore address firstly.
#Use following code to open chrome with target url"")2. Assume Twitter is not signed in, so we need to sign in twitter with Google account or twitter account.
![[Image: sign_in_twitter.png]](
• Google account sign in
from time import sleep from clicknium import clicknium, locator from clicknium.common.enums import * def google_sign_in(email_or_phone,password): clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.login_btn).click() sleep(2) clicknium.send_hotkey("{ESC}") continue_with_google_btn=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.continue_with_google_btn,wait_timeout=5) if continue_with_google_btn: MouseActionBy.MouseEmulation) else: clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.continue_as_x_btn).click(by= MouseActionBy.MouseEmulation) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.google_accounts.use_other_account_btn).click() clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.google_accounts.email_or_phone_input).set_text(email_or_phone) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.google_accounts.email_or_phone_next_btn).click() clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.google_accounts.password_input).set_text(password) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.google_accounts.password_next_btn).click()• Twitter account sign in
from time import sleep from clicknium import clicknium, locator from clicknium.common.enums import * def sign_in_with_twitter_account(email_or_phone_or_username,verify_account,password): clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.login_btn).click() sleep(2) clicknium.send_hotkey("{ESC}") clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.twitter_account_input).set_text(email_or_phone_or_username) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.login_next_btn).click() twitter_verify_input=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.twitter_verify_input,wait_timeout=5) if twitter_verify_input: twitter_verify_input.set_text(verify_account) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.login_next_btn).click() clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.twitter_password_input).set_text(password) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.login_form_login_btn).click()3. Search and select a twitter user by username.
![[Image: search_target_user.png]](
from time import sleep from msilib.schema import Error from clicknium import clicknium, locator,ui from clicknium.common.enums import * import csv def search_and_select_user(username): clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.explore_menu).click() clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.search_text_box_input).click(by= MouseActionBy.MouseEmulation) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.search_text_box_input).set_text(username) sleep(1) clicknium.send_hotkey('{ENTER}') search_people_tab=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.search_people_tab,wait_timeout=10) if search_people_tab: else: msg="Search people tab not found." raise Error(msg) target_search_people=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.target_search_people,{"user_name":username}, wait_timeout=10) if target_search_people: else: msg="People:"+username+" not found." raise Error(msg)4. Get user recent tweets.
![[Image: get_tweets.png]](
• Use get_text to get the tweets publish date, content and link, the result will be saved to a CSV file.
from time import sleep from msilib.schema import Error from clicknium import clicknium, locator,ui from clicknium.common.enums import * import csv def get_user_recent_tweets(username)->str: search_and_select_user(username) clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.twitter.user_tweets_tab).click() tweet_article=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.tweet_article, wait_timeout=10) if not tweet_article: msg="Tweet not found." raise Error(msg) ret_csv_file_name=username+'_recent_tweets.csv' with open(ret_csv_file_name, 'w', newline='',encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['publish_date',"content","link"] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() tweet_articles=clicknium.find_elements(locator.websites.twitter.tweet_article) #Start for loop for index in range(1,tweet_articles.__len__()+1): selected_tweet_article=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.selected_tweet_article,{"index":index},wait_timeout=5) if not selected_tweet_article: continue tweet_text=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.tweet_text,{"index":index},wait_timeout=2) content="" if tweet_text: content=tweet_text.get_text() tweet_card=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.tweet_card,{"index":index},wait_timeout=2) link="" if tweet_card: link=tweet_card.get_property("href") tweet_publish_date=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.tweet_publish_date,{"index":index},wait_timeout=2) publish_time="" if tweet_publish_date: publish_time=tweet_publish_date.get_property("datetime") writer.writerow({'publish_date':publish_time,"content":content,"link":link}) #End for loop1. Sign out.
![[Image: sign_out.png]](
from clicknium import clicknium, locator def sign_out(): user_avatar_btn=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.app_slack.user_avatar_btn,wait_timeout=5) if user_avatar_btn: clicknium.find_element(locator.websites.app_slack.sign_out_btn).click()5. Close opened browser tab.
browser_tab.close()# close the opened browser tab.Tips
• Pass variable to the locator
In this sample user name is passed to the target_search_people locator as following
– Define variable in locator
![[Image: pass_variable.png]](
– Pass variable in code
target_search_people=clicknium.wait_appear(locator.websites.twitter.target_search_people,{"user_name":username}, wait_timeout=10)Concepts
Clicknium provides excellent ways of the recorder and the concept of the Locator, which helps you finish developing efficiently without lots of details. Hence it is worth getting to know the concepts below.
1. Locator
2. Recorder
Functions involved
• click
• set_text
• get_text
• open browser
• wait_appear
• activate browser tab
• close browser tab
• find_element
• set_focus
• get_property
• send_hotkey
Get Started
1. Create a new folder. Open Visual Studio Code and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P to select Clicknium: Sample and select the newly created folder.
2. pip install clicknium
3. Copy the '.locator' folder under 'ScrapingPeopleRecentTweets' to your new created folder
4. Open and follow the steps above