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Full Version: Syntax error for simple script
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Sorry for this newbie question:

I installed Python v3.6.1 on win 7. Afterwards I tried to execute the following simple python script
from webpage

from datetime import datetime
now =
mm = str(now.month)
dd = str(
yyyy = str(now.year)
hour = str(now.hour)
mi = str(now.minute)
ss = str(now.second)
print mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yyyy + " " + hour + ":" + mi + ":" + ss
When executing


it yields a syntax error:

 File "", line 17
   print mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yyyy + " " + hour + ":" + mi + ":" + ss
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

Whats wrong?

Thank you
Well, as the error says, you are missing parentheses. The web page you are using must be written in Python 2, whereas you have installed Python 3. There were several changes between two and three, one that commonly trips up new people is that print changed from a statement (not needing parens) to a function (needing parens). This change should fix the problem:

print(mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yyyy + " " + hour + ":" + mi + ":" + ss)
When using 3.6 can use f-string and also get rid of all unnecessary + and str() convert.
from datetime import datetime

now =
mm = now.month
dd =
yyyy = now.year
hour = now.hour
mi = now.minute
ss = now.second
print(f'{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hour}:{mi}:{ss}')
6/26/2017 17:39:33