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Full Version: search is not finding documentation i want
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i am trying to search for documentation/tutorials/guides for Python3 GUI programming but am coming up basically empty. on i was getting lots of 2.7 documentation. we know that version 2.x is now DOA.

i want to explore the different GUI APIs to see which i like (hence no prefix for this post). i am not a beginner at Python, having used it for sysadmin and network automation tasks since 2012. i have coded in C since 1982, bash since 1992, and in assembly since 1972. but GUI is all new to me now that i am retired from all that system and network stuff. this (GUI) is where i am a newbie. so i am looking for GUI intros/tutorials that can go into technical details. youtube videos might be OK but i don't want videos to be the exclusive information. maybe videos as tutorials (with working links to get the illustrated code) and PDFs as references would work (a video can never be a reference).

i do have a little bit of consulting business going on but i have 3 part-time employees doing the grunt work (no, i don't need more).
For wxpython, you could start from their official site