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Full Version: Get iPhone Location
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Hello everybody,

I'm trying to write a script that first checks some ips of mine (phone, pc, etc.) which are stored in a json file to "confirm" that I'm home. If one ip is online (indicating that I'm home) it should do something (#DoSomething1). If no ip is online it should check for my iphone location (#CheckiPhoneLocation) and this is the point where i struggle. Does someone know a way to check an iPhone location? Maybe there is an FindMyiPhone-API or one by a third party?

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from subprocess import call, DEVNULL
import platform
import json
import sys

#Host Configuration
with open("/home/pi/system/index/alphaClients.json") as f1:
    data1 = json.load(f1)

with open("/home/pi/system/index/externClients.json") as f2:
    data2 = json.load(f2)

#IP Configuration
responding_alphaHosts = 0
responding_externalHosts = 0

#Pinp Configuration
def ping(host_or_ip: str) -> bool :
    if platform.system().lower() == "windows":
        countoption = "/n"
        countoption = "-c"
    return not call(["ping", countoption, "1", host_or_ip],
                    stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)

#Host Check
for i in data1:
    if ping(i["ip"]):
        responding_alphaHosts += 1

for i in data2:
    if ping(i["ip"]):
        responding_externalHosts += 1

if responding_alphaHosts > 0 :
    if responding_externalHosts == 0:
        if iPhoneLocation is xyz: