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Full Version: need a little with python3.5 oprnibg other program
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  Sorry no code, been looking for some type of code to open and run other programs on win 7.
I made a very nice control program that does what ever I till it to do. One of the things I want
it to do is run exe programs. Is their a way to open and run, let say MS paint.
Thank you

my code here
Quote:Is their a way to open and run, let say MS paint.
Use subprocess.
Open Ms paint.
λ ptpython
>>> import subprocess

Open a image in folder C:\1 with mspaint.
λ ptpython
>>> import subprocess

>>>['mspaint', 'C:/1/wx16.jpg'])
CompletedProcess(args=['mspaint', 'C:/1/wx16.jpg'], returncode=0)
Hey, snippsat that works very well Thank you very much .