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Full Version: python run all py files from main py file
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Hi Team,

Need help , is it possible
run all below py files one by one ............

I want to call file and it has to run all (add,sub,mul,div) files


python 10 20 30
python  40 20
python   2 2 2 2
python   100 50
Try this
from pathlib import Path
import sys
this_dir = Path(__file__).parent

for args in [
    " 10 20 30",
    "  40 20",
    "  2 2 2 2",
    "   100 50"]:
    args = args.split()
    filename = this_dir/args[0]
    args[0] = str(filename)
    sys.argv[:] = args
    namespace = {'__name__': '__main__'}
    exec(filename.read_text(), namespace)
Hi Gribouillis,

superb ! Thanks for your help.

I am passing parameter to each file, where to maintain that parameter list.

each py file has parameter, I am running via command line.

Can you explain this line to me.

exec((this_dir/name).read_text(), namespace)


I updated the code to include parameters. The other way to do it is to fork subprocesses. Here the line with exec reads the python code contained in each file and executes the code in the given dictionary.
Can't each of your modules contain functions that you can call from the main one? If not, why not?
Agree with ndc85430. You should try to write a python module in a way that other modules can import the useful parts.

Let's say your program adds the command line arguments, which must be numbers, and prints the result. You could write as:
import sys

def Add(*numbers):
    """Add a list of numbers,  Retrurn total."""
    return sum(numbers)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(Add(*map(float, sys.argv[1:])))
You can run this as a program, but you can also import it and use the function.

import add

print(add.Add(1, 2, 3, 4))
Hi Gribouillis,

Superb ! your code worked , Clap
you are genius ! thanks for your help, you have saved my time.

Is there any other style way. I heard about multiprocessing\Multitreading\subprocess .run.

from pathlib import Path
import sys
this_dir = Path(__file__).parent
for args in [
    " 10 20 30",
    "  40 20",
    "  2 2 2 2",
    "   100 50"]:
    args = args.split()
    filename = this_dir/args[0]
    args[0] = str(filename)
    sys.argv[:] = args
    namespace = {'__name__': '__main__'}
    exec(filename.read_text(), namespace)