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Full Version: reading in a doc
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Hi i come back with a problem. Again. I code the second module of my program, this one have to match two docs, one containing a novel's list and the second one a keywords list. If there is a match the word corresponding is placed between two tags.

here is the code :

def baliseAnimaux(mot,motClef,dossierEcrire):
	nbLine=0 #number of lines of first document, a list of novel's titles
	nbLine2=0 #numbre of line of second document, in wich is the keywords the program have #match
#searching how many lines contain each document 	
	for a in mot:
		nbLine += 1
	for e in motClef:
        	nbLine2 += 1
	for b in range(nbLine):		#for each line of doc to compare
		phrase=motA.split(" ")   
		for i in range(len(phrase)): # for each word in each sentences			
			for j in range(nbLine2): # i read each lines of the keywords doc
				#motC=motD.split("\n") #isoler la ligne
				print(motD)# here it's just a test
				for h in range(nbLine2):	#					
					if phrase[i] == motD or phrase[i] == "l'"+motD :
					elif phrase[i]!=motD or phrase[i]!="l'"+motD:	
			if keyword == True :			
				dossierEcrire.write(" ")
			else :
				dossierEcrire.write(" ")
i have no error, the final document is filled as expected, but idk when i print(motD), there is nothing written. someone could help me ?

thanks At
Nothing to print?

Try to change it

print(j, motD)
(Oct-27-2022, 11:17 AM)wavic Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing to print?

Try to change it

print(j, motD)

I tried but when i do it, i have the the "j" values but whith nothing. I dont understand why this append.
Non-printable characters?

You may try print(bytes(motD, 'utf-8'))
Can you post a small example of your data: mot, motClef and dossierEcrire?

I have trouble imagining what they might or should look like.

mot is French for word, if I remember my school French and clef is key?

So, you pass a word and a key to baliseAnimaux(mot,motClef,dossierEcrire)