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Full Version: Increase df column values decimals
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I have below datframe with numerical column marks
name age marks
A       14   12.34
B       12   34.1
C       29   19.567
I want to increase marks column decimals to 6

desired output:

name age marks
A       14   12.340000
B       12   34.100000
C       29   19.567000
I use below code but it did not change anything:
df['marks'] =df['marks'].round(6)
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

data = StringIO('''\
name age marks
A 14 12.34
B 12 34.1
C 29 19.567''')

df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=' ')
>>> df
  name  age   marks
0    A   14  12.340
1    B   12  34.100
2    C   29  19.567

>>> df['marks'] = df['marks'].map(lambda x: f'{x:.6f}')
>>> df
  name  age      marks
0    A   14  12.340000
1    B   12  34.100000
2    C   29  19.567000
You can set the number of significant digits pandas uses when printing.
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.float_format', '{:.10f}'.format)

df = pd.DataFrame([1/x for x in range(1, 11)], columns=["values"])
df.to_csv("test.csv", index=False)
0 1.0000000000 1 0.5000000000 2 0.3333333333 3 0.2500000000 4 0.2000000000 5 0.1666666667 6 0.1428571429 7 0.1250000000 8 0.1111111111 9 0.1000000000
Unlike snippsat's solution this only changes how floats are printed, the values in the dataframe are unaltered.