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Full Version: Where can I get loooads of simple homework questions for kids?
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My son is learning Python at college.
He has trouble understanding verbal questions - very simple basic ones.

I've spent hours and hours with him. He gets most of what I teach him but then falls down on a simple question.

Where can I get loooads of simple Python questions for kids?
He'll get it if he has to repetitively do similar things.

Getting ready made questions will be great. I can then add to the questions by duplicating and changing parameters.

I thought you might be interested in the tutorial (not specifically for kids) as a guide.

There are some resources here:
you can provide expert knowledge of coding for kids using the following platforms:
and you can also check some websites for beginner to in-depth courses such as KhiredKids.
Just exploring some user question and answers platforms that provide guide according to your queries.