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Full Version: Tkinterweb (Browser Module) Appending/Adding Additional HTML to a HTML Table Row
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I'm trying to figure out a way to append additional rows to a html table using the 'TkinterWeb' module, without having to keep reloading the page or without using 'load_html' to keep reloading the document and slowing down the browser while adding new table row data.

I see that there is the option to add additional html to the document without reloading it by using 'add_html', but how would I keep appending new rows to a html table?

For example, here's what my table rows look like:

              <th>#</h1><th>Heading 1</h1><th>Heading 2</h1><th>Heading 3</h1>
              <td>1</td><td>DATA 1</td><td>DATA 1</td><td>DATA 1</td>
Is there a way to quickly append another table row without constantly reloading the whole document? Is there a way just to manipulate the '' element so that I don't have to keep reloading the whole document?

I would like to click a Tkinter button, then it would append another row to the html table. Just trying to figure out which way it would be best to do so. I've tried replacing a 'html' variable where it says '<!--APPEND/ADD-NEW-ROW-HERE!-->', but it seems as though I'd have to keep reloading the document in order to replace the html variable that I'm using to load my html.

I'd appreciate the ideas. Thanks.