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Full Version: Launch Python IDLE Shell from terminal
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Searching the web I found a suggestion to type idle3 in the terminal.
Tried, doesn't work (neither idle, BTW).
Normally I launch idle from GUI.
But is it possible to run it from terminal ?
Any suggestions ?
P.S. My setup:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04
idle: IDLE Shell 3.10.6
Python IDLE comes included in Python installations on Windows and Mac. In Linux you should be able to find and download Python IDLE using your package manager.

apt search idle

apt-cache madison idle
The Best !
One more question.
I've Python virtual environment, where particular packages are installed.
I launch IDLE from this environment and it's Ok.
But when I try import particular module of this environment, import fails.
Should I install IDLE also in this virtual environment in order to work with code that uses this particular module ?
python -m idlelib
(Feb-17-2023, 02:37 PM)Gribouillis Wrote: [ -> ]Try
python -m idlelib

Also the Best !