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How can I find what arguments to pass to imported modules?
First of all, you don't pass arguments to modules. Probably you mean what functions and classes you can use from imported module and what arguments to pass when using the said functions or class from the imported module. Read the docs.
Buran: Please explain "Read the docs"
"read the docs" means read the documentation for the module you are using. You cannot program if you don't know your tools.
(Mar-10-2023, 03:32 PM)TheBunyip Wrote: [ -> ]Buran: Please explain "Read the docs"
It literally means "read the documentation"
Starting with the docs for modules in python standard library. Of course, the language documentation as a whole is way more extensive
Then if you are using some third-party module (e.g. installed from PyPI) - they [hopefully] provide good documentation as well
In any case you can also look at the source code.

If something is unclear you should elaborate further