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OK, buran helped my in another thread and I am immensely grateful.

Now I want to get the file names (including their path) on my hard drive. I have researched and researched and came up with something that I thought would work.

Here is my feeble attempt at doing a windows command prompt for the directory of C: hoping to use DIR command.["C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe", "/C", "dir ", "c:*.*", " /S /O:N /B /L", "dirtest001.txt"],shell=True)

So, when running my script it gets to this and the error comes up "File not found" nothing else. Not sure what is wrong but...

Oh, some explanation:
I am trying to get the complete path and filename of the files on my hard drive and save it to a file. Using windows command I issue the command "dir c:\*.* /S /O:N /B /L >dirtest001.txt" and this works. Takes a while but works. "Porting" it into the command, well, I said it above.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With subprocess you don't have to run "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe
It should be correct but tried not using the full path...didn't work.

Still trying to figure out what is wrong and the path forward .
Like this works when i do a test.
import subprocess'dir C:\\bar\*.* /S /O:N /B /L > out.txt', shell=True)
So, I tried this using the suggestion from snippsat with a modification that I wanted to start from the root.

Here is what I used:'dir c:\\*.* /S /O:N /B /L > directorytest0.txt')

and this is the "error" that came back:
dir: cannot access 'c:\*.*': No such file or directory
dir: cannot access '/S': No such file or directory
dir: cannot access '/O:N': No such file or directory
dir: cannot access '/B': No such file or directory
dir: cannot access '/L': No such file or directory
dir: cannot access '>': No such file or directory
dir: cannot access 'directorytest0.txt': No such file or directory

so, what am I doing wrong???? Completely stumped.....but at my age that is an easy task! Wall
Why are you using subprocess in the first place, rather than Python facilities for file and directory access (like os.scandir, or pathlib)?
I addition to @ndc85430 comment - in the other thread I suggested using regedit via subprocess because you were not satisfied with other available options to work with Windows Registry.
What prevents using native python tools - os, pathlib or glob in this case?
(Mar-17-2023, 02:43 AM)fredep57 Wrote: [ -> ]Here is what I used:'dir c:\\*.* /S /O:N /B /L > directorytest0.txt')
You don't have shell=True in that code.
Testet work.
import subprocess'dir c:\\*.* /S /O:N /B /L > directorytest0.txt', shell=True)
The problem can also be that don't have access/privilege of accessing to root C:\ partition.
Then need to run code Elevated(also as administrator)
Test with a folder first before doing whole C:\ drive.

As mention can do this with eg pathlib.
from pathlib import Path
from os import fspath

dest = 'C:\\foo'
with open('out1.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for path in Path(dest).rglob('*'):
It depend on use case when doing whole root of C:\(which is not a normal task) then subprocess can do the task better.
Thanks all for the information and guidance.

I did research the os.system and found that that was deprecated a few years ago. Research said to use going forward so was focusing that. Maybe naive but that is the path I decided to pursue.

SO, my intent is to get the entire hard drive file names with their associated paths so that I can monitor what is installed and/or inadvertently installed on the system. I am not concerned about file sizes right now as some naturally grow/shrink as called.

So, I am still trying to figure out how (or if) I can use the subprocess to do what I want/need.

I did add, per snippsat's reply, the
shell = true
and that seems to be working. Thanks for finding that for me.

Just a side note. I am a neophyte when it comes to Python. I am still learning about it and trying to understand more and more as I go along. I came from an automation background but using a proprietary system with property scripting system so this is new to me. I will probably be asking more questions as I go along but I do try to research what and when I can. I usually get myself wrapped around the axle, so to speak though.

Again, thank you all for your generous time and help!