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How can I get just numbers as int or float type from this dictionary named brand?

brand: {'BMW': 1983, 'Audi': 1986, 'Opel': 1992}
brand = {"BMW": 1983, "Audi": 1986, "Opel": 1992}
print(*brand.keys(), sep=", ")
print(*brand.values(), sum(brand.values()), sep=", ")
print(*brand.items(), sep=", ")
BMW, Audi, Opel 1983, 1986, 1992, 5961 ('BMW', 1983), ('Audi', 1986), ('Opel', 1992)
If your question is "how do I get all the numbers" and not "how do I get all the values", you can use a comprehension. This dictionary has two numbers. One is a key and the other a value.
brand = {"BMW": "1983", "Audi": 19.86, 1992: "Opel"}

all_numbers = [
    for thing in (*brand.keys(), *brand.values())
    if isinstance(thing, (int, float))
[1992, 19.86]
Thanks! Smile
Next time read the documentation and you won't have to wait for an answer.

You would also learn about update(), get(), in, pop() and tons of other things Python dictionaries can do.