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Just wondering what IDE you guys are using? I'm using WingWare which appears quite good. I was wondering if any of you are using Visual Studio for Python. Not Visual Studio Code, but the regular Visual Studio.
I've been watching some videos on YouTube and if I am understanding correctly you can download something called Iron Python and install it into Visual Studio, and you can use WinForms or Windows Presentation Foundation to bring up a form like you would in C# or Visual Basic, and then you can drag and drop components on it and start coding event handlers.

If I understood that video correctly.
(May-16-2023, 10:06 PM)357mag Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering if any of you are using Visual Studio for Python. Not Visual Studio Code, but the regular Visual Studio.
Very few use regular Visual Studio with Python,almost all use VS Code(look at Python extension 85 million downloads),
it much more aimed against Python.
I did write VS Code from start it's from 2018,but most of work today.
(May-17-2023, 02:13 AM)357mag Wrote: [ -> ]you can download something called Iron Python and install it into Visual Studio, and you can use WinForms or Windows Presentation Foundation to bring up a form like you would in C# or Visual Basic, and then you can drag and drop components on it and start coding event handlers.
Yes,Iron Python also works from other Editors to,but if making GUI i would not use WinForms.
Python has better option like eg ttkbootstrap, CustomTkinter to make build Tkinter look good.
Qt for Python, WxPython.
I use both VS code and Visual studio, I’m writing C++ wrappers for Python.. Both behave quite similar with Python
Visual studio is probably overkill for python alone, but it’s great if you’re doing multiple languages.
Currently running two monitors, one with VS code & python, the other VS Studio with a C++ solution

I’m using wxPython for my GUI. I use the DialogBlocks editor to generate GUIs