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Full Version: What is the fastest way to get all the frames from a video file?
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What is the fastest way to get all the frames from a video file?
This is not a question about Python. I would use the ffmpeg command. I don't know if there are faster ways.
(May-23-2023, 03:33 PM)glorsh66 Wrote: [ -> ]What is the fastest way to get all the frames from a video file?

In Python, one of the fastest ways to extract all the frames from a video file is by using the OpenCV library. OpenCV provides efficient and optimized functions for video processing and frame extraction. Here's an example of how you can use OpenCV to extract all the frames from a video file:
import cv2

def extract_frames(video_path):
    # Open the video file
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)

    frames = []
    success, frame =
    # Iterate over each frame in the video
    while success:
        # Append the current frame to the list
        # Read the next frame
        success, frame =

    # Release the video capture object

    return frames

# Usage
video_path = 'path/to/video.mp4'
all_frames = extract_frames(video_path)
In this example, the extract_frames() function takes the path to the video file as input and returns a list containing all the frames from the video. It uses the cv2.VideoCapture() function to open the video file, and then it reads each frame using the read() method in a loop until there are no more frames left.

Please note that extracting frames from a video can be a computationally intensive task, especially for large videos. Using optimized libraries like OpenCV can significantly improve the performance compared to other approaches.

Hope this helps. Oh, and yes, this is indeed a Python question Big Grin
(May-25-2023, 11:21 PM)DigiGod Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and yes, this is indeed a Python question Big Grin
The original formulation of the question doesn't make this obvious.