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Full Version: Boustrophedon path planning
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Hello everyone, I'm trying to cover an entire area with a step size of 0.4. I would like that with each change of "parallel line" the following point is that of a side. Currently the program will always look for the lowest point. I put pictures to make it more clear ;)

Thank you in advance
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

def boustrophedon_path(latitude_orange, longitude_orange, step_size):
    path = []

    # Create the polygon from the coordinates
    poly = Polygon(zip(latitude_orange, longitude_orange))

    # Find the bounds of the polygon
    min_lat = min(latitude_orange)
    max_lat = max(latitude_orange)
    min_lon = min(longitude_orange)
    max_lon = max(longitude_orange)

    # Iterate through the zone in parallel lines
    current_lat = min_lat # latitude actuelle = latitude minimale 
    while current_lat <= max_lat: # tant que latitude actuelle <= latitude maximale
        current_lon = min_lon    # longitude actuelle = longitude minimale
        while current_lon <= max_lon:  # tant que  longitude actuelle <= longitude maximale
            point = Point(current_lat, current_lon) # ajout de point( latitude actuelle, longitude actuelle)
            if poly.contains(point):  # si le polygone contient point
                path.append((current_lat, current_lon)) # alors le point est ajouté au chemin 
            current_lon += step_size # longitude actuelle += un pas de 0.4
        current_lat += step_size # latitude actuelle += pas de 0.4

    return path # retourne le chemin 

latitude_blue = [0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 0]
longitude_blue = [0, 4, 8, 4, 0, 0]

# Espacement entre les droites parallèles (40 cm)
step_size = 0.6  # En degrés

# Check if latitude_blue and longitude_blue have the same length
if len(latitude_blue) != len(longitude_blue):
    print("Error: The latitude and longitude lists have different lengths.")
    # Create the blue polygon using Shapely
    blue_polygon = Polygon(zip(latitude_blue, longitude_blue))

    # Calculate the coordinates for the orange polygon by shrinking the blue polygon by 0.2 units
    orange_polygon = blue_polygon.buffer(-0.2)

    # Extract the coordinates of the orange polygon
    latitude_orange, longitude_orange = orange_polygon.exterior.xy

    # Calcul du chemin boustrophédon
    path = boustrophedon_path(latitude_orange, longitude_orange, step_size)

    # Préparation des données pour le tracé
    x = [point[0] for point in path]  # Longitude
    y = [point[1] for point in path]  # Latitude
    for i,j in zip(x,y):
    plt.plot(latitude_blue, longitude_blue, color='blue')
    plt.plot(latitude_orange, longitude_orange, color='orange')
The result I get is picture 1
The result I would like to get is picture 2