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Full Version: how do I open two instances of visual studio code with the same folder?
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I'd like to run two pieces of code simultaneously. I thought the easiest way to do that would be just to open two instances of studio code and run them both. However, when I try to open the folder on the second instance, it's just redirecting me back to the first instance.

Any suggestions welcome.
Why not run one, or both, from a shell?
That's a great idea. Thank you.
To duplicate current folder when in VS Code File --> Duplicate Workspace

Open in current folder from shell,this is what i always use.
Then can use Duplicate Workspace,when open in VC Code.
λ code .
To force a open a new window
λ code -n

# Or just
λ code
# Open a folder with path given
λ code G:\div_code\foo

# Open parent folder,also this open C:\div_code
λ code ..

# <code> is cli tool so it dos has --help
λ code --help