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Full Version: PyOpenGL is not work
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Terminal input:
pip install pyopengl
pip install pyopengl_accelerate

import OpenGL.GL
import OpenGL.GLUT
import OpenGL.GLU
Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\Code\Python\OpenGL\", line 1, in <module> import OpenGL.GL File "d:\Code\Python\OpenGL\", line 1, in <module> import OpenGL.GL ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'OpenGL.GL'; 'OpenGL' is not a package
Did you name your file
(Jul-11-2023, 11:37 AM)Axel_Erfurt Wrote: [ -> ]Did you name your file
Do you know that naming your file is bad and the cause of your error?
(Jul-12-2023, 03:06 AM)deanhystad Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know that naming your file is bad and the cause of your error?
so i importing opengl but machine think i mean import
When Python executes this in your program:
import OpenGL.GL
It searches the python path for "". This should be found in a folder that was added to your "python311/Lib/site-packages" (or whatever version of Python or whatever virtual environment you are using) folder when you ran pip install. But before it looks in "python311/Lib/site-packages" in looks for the in the current working directory, usually the same directory as the program you are running. If it finds the file there, it imports that file, not the package you installed using pip.

If you want to use OpenGL, you should not create any files named You can use "" or "" or any name that does not match the name of modules you import in your program.