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Full Version: Help with pyFAST error
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hey guys. im having some issues with a script. Now, before i begin, i have ZERO programming experience so i have no idea what im doing, BUT i have been tasked with this project for my job. I have posted on facebook as well but in provate groups. My post has not been approved yet so it might be a dead page haha, hence why i came here.

Ill start from the very beginning and then list the errors and what i have done to try to fix it.

If you visit this website below, you will see a page of code. I copied that code and pasted it into notepad++ and saved the file as

I then change line 16 to the following:

fastoutFilename = os.path.join(scriptDir, 'C:/fatigue/5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb.outb')

I then run a power shell prompt from the location of the .py file. I then type

python3 .\

and it throws an error of "no module numpy line 7 installed"

i then used pip install numpy and it installs successfully. i run the script again, but with a different error for line 8 for matplotlib i then do pip install matplotlib.

i then run the script again with a different error

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\fatigue\", line 9, in <module> from pyFAST.input_output import FASTOutputFile ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyFAST'

i use pip install pyFAST. it completes successfully BUT i still get the pyFAST error every time i run the script. It keeps telling me that pyFAST is not found. Its the same error over and over. How do i fix this?

I appreciate any type of input and help. :)
I don't think the pyfast module that installs with pip is the same as the pyfast module in your program. Then pyfast module in Pypi is for medical image computation while the pyfast module from your program is for wind turbine computation. Do a pip uninstall pyfast, then follow the installation steps on this page. You need at least git for this and I don't know, you need perhaps to install openfast on your machine.